LuxSUL 2024/5 - Bonnevoie

September 17th

30 said to be going to the event.

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Contact: Atte Aalto

  • Luxembourg  LuxOC organisation  orienteering  race
  • 2
  • 30

The fifth event in the 2024 Luxembourg Summer Urban League (LuxSUL) series

Meet at

Canopy in the Kaltreis parc, Boulevard Kaltreis, Bonnevoie.

Public transport – City Bus 2 every 10 minutes from the Rocade (E side of the Gare), or “Hamilius”, or from Lycée Bouneweg tram stop, to the stop “Kaltreis”, 50 metres away, walk E along the park.


Toilet available (€1 coin?). No dedicated place to change. Bags and bikes can be left safely.

Start times

18:00 until 19:00 (at the latest). The later you start, the darker it will be! Controls will be removed starting at 20:00, please be back by then.


No fee – but please sign up via the Calendar on the Club website, saying which course you would like to do. Or let know at least a day in advance if you plan to come, and are not a LuxOC member. 

Start point

Start and finish are both adjacent to the meeting point.


Two courses

  • Rabbit   3.0 km [TBC] – medium, nearly flat
  • Deer      5.0km [TBC] – longer, moderate climbing

Distances are straight line – optimum routes are ±40% longer.

Planner – Atte Aalto.

Controls must be visited in the order set. Flags are 15cm kites.


Timing at each control using SPORTident (SIAC enabled). Bring your own SI timing chip if you can, but if not, you can borrow a LuxOC one. Results of all participants to the nearest second will be published, and included in the LuxSUL league table.


Non-standard 1:6 000, OSM ISSprOM, 5 metre contours. Laser-printed, on Pretex semi-waterproof A4 paper.


Mostly residential urban streets. Street running or training shoes optimal.


Everyone takes part entirely at their own risk. Please take great care, especially on or crossing the more main roads – you do not have priority! High visibility clothing strongly recommended.



  • valerie

    valerie 5 months ago


  • valerie

    valerie 5 months ago


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