Autumn season starts

date September 20th      

The autumn season started with our participation on Belgian club relays where one men and one women teams defended our colors. The event calendar is rather packed, some of us travel to the Belgian long distance champs this weekend, other events will follow. Keep an eye on the calendar and certaily do not miss the first first championship of the Grand Duchy organized in Trier on October 21st.

Throughout the following months several trainings on maps will be organized. Most of the time one or more courses for children and beginners are offered but experienced adults will be satisfied too. The agenda is being finalized, stay tuned!

One highlight of the season will be the race we organize in the city. For the day volunteers will be needed but you will have the opportunity to run too.

Before the summer break on Wednesday evenings we ran together from the park in Bambësch. The qgendq for this fall will be published during the weekend.

See you soon!

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