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Luxembourg championship, aka 27. Offene und Internationalen Stadtmeisterschaft Trier

Luxembourg championship, aka 27. Offene und Internationalen Stadtmeisterschaft Trier

October 20th

The deadline for entries is on Tuesday 15th of October at 23:59.

24 said to be going to the event.

Tell the organizer that you're coming

Log in to tell whether you go, or not.

Events organized by the club: To ease communication with the organizers of an event organised by LuxOC, register using the "going there" button on the event page. Drop a note to let others know some details. See who's going and their notes by clicking "review details".

Events organized by other clubs: Unless specified otherwise, the club does not register for events organized by others. The "going there" button serves to tell others that you're coming, for instance to ease car-sharing.

In your profile (link on top of the page) give your family or friends the right to say "going there" on your behalf.

Contact: Jan Slíva

  • Germany  orienteering  event of the month  race
  • 1
  • 24

Welcome to the 2019 edition of the Luxembourg Orienteering Club Championships. This year the race will be organised aside the Open and International City Championships of Trier.


Given the conditions, this years edition will be double sprint event in an urban and semi urban surrounding with some elevation. Double sprint means there will be two short sprint races with some time for transition and recovery. There will be two courses/classes, one for adults (H adults, D adults) and one for kids (H kids, D kids). Ranking will be determined by an intricate formula that takes into account actual running time, age and gender.

Event Centre

The event centre will (likely) be at the Club House of Trimmelter SV, aka Trimmelter Hof east of Trier, whereas the race itself will be around the Campus of Uni Trier. Follow the directions of the organiser when arriving.


Pre-registration by Tuesday October 15, using the sign-up function or comment field on this page, or directly to Jan Slíva, (j.sliva@eib.org). If you have signed up on the organisers page, don’t worry but give Jan a hint you want to compete in the LuxOC champs and he’ll tell the organisers who is in our champs. Please also tell your normal competition class, so that we can prepare the correction factors.

Die 27. Auflage der Offenen und Internationalen Stadtmeisterschaft, die 1993 von Jürgen Pfannkuchen ins Leben gerufen wurde. Auch in diesem Jahr richten wir die Veranstaltung wieder gemeinsam mit dem Trimmelter SV aus.

Vorgesehen ist ein Doppelsprint auf dem Campus der Universität Trier.


  • gabi

    gabi 5 years ago

    Hi Jan,

    This is to inform you that I have also signed up in O-manager, but under the "Verein", LuxOC does not appear.


Posting comments on passed events allowed only to logged-in members.