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Spring event 2019/4 - Graulinster

Spring event 2019/4 - Graulinster

June 16th

7 said to be going to the event.

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Contact: Shane Enright

  • Luxembourg  LuxOC organisation  training  orienteering
  • 5
  • 7

Spring event to take place on Sunday 16 June organised by Balazs and Shane.

Terrain is mainly forest with crags and small cliffs, with plenty of paths.


  • Northern end of Marscherwaldweg (Rue de Marscherwald) in Graulinster. 
  • Car: 20 km from Luxembourg City towards Echternach, take RN11
  • Buses 110 and 111 leave every half hour from Luxembourg Gare Central at x.23 and x.52. Stop: Graulinster, Haaptstrooss. 800 meters walk.
  • Please check the map!


  • Between 9.30 and 11.30


Rocky formations, steep but shallow valleys, forest with mixed runnability and visibility. Some forest works have been conducted recently. Orienteering shoes are recommended.


Marscherwald, A4 size, scale 1:10 000, contours 5 m. Surveyed in 2014, updated in 2017 and November 2018. 

Course information

Course Controls Length Climb
M/W 20-,  21+, 35+ 30 7.6 km 280 m
M/W 18-, 40+, 45+ 20 5.9 km 240 m
M/W 14-, 16-, 50+, 55+ 12 3.9 km 80 m
M/W 10-, 12-, 60+, 65+ 5 2.0 km 40 m

The control descriptions are printed on the map.


Free for all but if possible, sign up before 14 June here on the page or send me an email to shaneenright|||gmail///com



  • Froelicher Vincent

    Froelicher Vincent 6 years ago

    I'm French, from orientering club "Tout Azimut Fameck".
    I would like to know if it's possible to participate in your training in Graulinster.
    Bests Regards.

  • orsi

    orsi 6 years ago

    Hi Vincent,
    I'm not an organizer of the training, but I'm sure you can participate, it's open for all!
    It's a wonderful forest, by the way :-) Enjoy!

  • atte

    atte 6 years ago

    Thanks Balasz and Shane for organizing! This message probably doesn't reach everyone, but please check yourselves for ticks! Me and Helle have found seven now.

  • julien

    julien 6 years ago

    Many many thanks for this wonderful training ! It was long, hilly, rocky, sunny and a bit spiky. It was also nice to see so many people joining !

  • balazsd

    balazsd 6 years ago

    many thanks for you all to join today, the number of participants exceeded our expectations. I hope you enjoyed the training, the nice weather and the bit technical courses for each categories.

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