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Training Bambësch

Training Bambësch

October 11th

19 said to be going to the event.

Tell the organizer that you're coming

Log in to tell whether you go, or not.

Events organized by the club: To ease communication with the organizers of an event organised by LuxOC, register using the "going there" button on the event page. Drop a note to let others know some details. See who's going and their notes by clicking "review details".

Events organized by other clubs: Unless specified otherwise, the club does not register for events organized by others. The "going there" button serves to tell others that you're coming, for instance to ease car-sharing.

In your profile (link on top of the page) give your family or friends the right to say "going there" on your behalf.

Contact: Jonas Wolff

  • orienteering  Luxembourg  LuxOC organisation
  • 19

Welcome to the first training on the new Bambesch map!

Following the mapping activities over Summer, the new map  is almost finished and we can have the first club training. Four courses are planned:

  • Squirrel: 1.4 km
  • Rabbit: 2.3 km
  • Deer: 3.6 km
  • Boar: 4.6 km

The meeting place is at the Parking, just south of the roundabout in Bridel. Start and finish ar just 100 m into the forest, following the cycling path. Free starting times between 10 and 12 in the morning.

Registration is not mandatory, but encouraged in order to have enough maps printed.


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