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LuxOC training weekend spring 2020

LuxOC training weekend spring 2020

April 3rd – April 5th, 2020

31 said to be going to the event.

Tell the organizer that you're coming

Log in to tell whether you go, or not.

Events organized by the club: To ease communication with the organizers of an event organised by LuxOC, register using the "going there" button on the event page. Drop a note to let others know some details. See who's going and their notes by clicking "review details".

Events organized by other clubs: Unless specified otherwise, the club does not register for events organized by others. The "going there" button serves to tell others that you're coming, for instance to ease car-sharing.

In your profile (link on top of the page) give your family or friends the right to say "going there" on your behalf.

Contact: Ondřej Kotecký

  • training  Germany  cancelled
  • 31
  • April 3rd, 2020 19:00 April 5th, 2020 15:00    google    ical
  • Bad Kreuznach, Landkreis Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany 

    Geo coordinates

Current status: the situation (closed borders, limited movement) is unlikely to get resolved in three weeks so it is rather likely that the weekend will be cancelled. Nonetheless please allow us some more time to confirm. We are also thinking of possible or impossible alternatives.

Two days of trainings, morning and evening, on map Kuhberg near Bad Kreuznach.

  • Programme: Arrival on Friday, April 3rd, evening: before dinner (ending at 7:30pm), departure on Sunday April 5th after Frühstück in the direction of the forest.
  • Trainings on both days morning and evening.
  • We will stay at a hostel in Steinbach...
  • ...and train on the map Kuhberg, 35 minutes car travel from the accommodation.
  • The hostel offers half- or full-board. At noon we stay in forest so we consider fullboard with sandwiches prepared by the hostel.
  • All those who enrolled before the accommodation deadline (~Feb 1st) have a room. If you wish to participate, please let Ondra know and reserve a room.

More informartion to come...


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