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World Orienteering Day 2019

World Orienteering Day 2019

May 16th

7 said to be going to the event.

Tell the organizer that you're coming

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Events organized by the club: To ease communication with the organizers of an event organised by LuxOC, register using the "going there" button on the event page. Drop a note to let others know some details. See who's going and their notes by clicking "review details".

Events organized by other clubs: Unless specified otherwise, the club does not register for events organized by others. The "going there" button serves to tell others that you're coming, for instance to ease car-sharing.

In your profile (link on top of the page) give your family or friends the right to say "going there" on your behalf.

  • Luxembourg  LuxOC organisation
  • 7
  • May 16th, 2019 19:00 20:00    google    ical
  • Rue des Maraîchers, European District North, Kirchberg, Luxembourg, Canton Luxembourg, 1923, Luxembourg 

    Geo coordinates



Meet at 2 rue des Maraîchers, Kirchberg. Please park in designated parking bays in nearby streets, not on the pavement – you may need to walk a short way. Watch out for the o-flag on the terrace. Start and finish are both here.

No entry fee – but please let info@orienteering.lu know if you plan to come and how many people you will be, so maps can be printed. All welcome – members or not –, feel free to bring friends who haven't orienteered before.

Two courses – designed by David Roach:

Rabbit             3.1km – medium, on the plateau

Deer                5.3km – longer, with hills, for keenies

Map: 1:7,500, ISSOM, mapped by Julien Gaffuri, laser printed on Pertex waterproof paper.

Terrain: Mostly urban streets and paths, one part in the Coque park, and a bit of rather nasty forest (stay on the tracks) on the Deer course. “Cross” training shoes optimal.

Safety: Please take great care to avoid all moving cars, bikes and buses, especially on the more main roads. You take part entirely at your own risk.

Afterwards: Social evening hosted by Orsi – usual beer and light snacks format, contributions of food/drink much appreciated!


Posting comments on passed events allowed only to logged-in members.