Follow our Tiomila-team online

date April 21st       tags race       

"...and meanwhile, in dark corners of 10 offices of high-profile European agencies, high-tech companies and law firms in Luxembourg, coffee is sipped, terrain and earlier maps are patiently studied..."

Our club team has spent recent months in physical, technical, mental and spiritual training and preparation for the Tiomila relay in Sweden. The relay will start at 9 pm in the evening of April 29 and the winning team is expected to finish at around 7 am the following morning. Our team is expected to need a little more time than that.

Anyway, you can and should follow the excitement online.Intermediate results will be published continously on the competition homepage and there will be a live stream with speaker sound and live footage from the arena and even the forest. There will even be parallel streams with commentary in Swedish, Finnish and English. To follow the live feed you need to pay a small fee and register at This service will be available not only for the night but alos for the youth relay (starting 10:30 on Saturday April 29), the women's relay (starting 13:15 on satuday April 29) and the night relay.

If you want to check the quality of the production before paying up, you can check last year's feed htat has been published as a series of youtube videos (Swedish only),

In any case you should cheer for our team, listed below in the intended running order:

Leg Nr km Type Runner
1 10.5 day/dusk/night Jevgenijs
2 11.9 night Jonas
3 7 night Roland
4 16.8 night unforked Ondra
5 7.3 night/dusk/day Míša
6 7.3 day Marie
7 11.6 day Jan
8 9.7 day unforked Pascal
9 7.6 day Andrew
10 15.6 day Staffan
Manager David
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