Lux lockdown challenge 1745-1930

 May 27th        orienteering         6    

Do you know where in the City to look for the control point on the image below?

Well, no matter what you answer, this lockdown challenge (1745-1930) is for you. Take a pair of shoes for hard surfaces, forget about the compass but print a map (below), do take a phone with UsynligO installed (charged, power saving disabled, location service on and permission to the app given). Reception of the GPS signal is generally of a lower quality in valleys and cities. To make the app tolerate it better, set a higher "control radius" in the app in the course settings. And don't use the "where am I" spoiler button in the app!

You may want to check the map on a screen already at home before heading to the start -- thanks to its legibility, compared with a print, gives more details. If you moved to Luxembourg recently, the cheat map might come in handy.


  • ondra

    ondra 5 years ago

    Issue with the map in the app resolved, print-ready map attached.

  • jonas

    jonas 5 years ago

    NB! That the Rumm care home is out of bounds, i.e. closed for non-residents. That includes control point #7.

  • David

    David 5 years ago

    570 metres to the Finish? Looks more like 57 on the map! Or is the finish at the refreshment point (now open, of course)?

    Haven't tried it yet!

  • david

    david 5 years ago

    Now tried this - good fun. Number 3 had me completely - I stood at the NW corner of the bridge and didn't get a beep. After cursing Ondra at some length, I realised (partial spoiler alert here!) in fact I needed to be at another corner (in the picture, the spire in the distance ISN'T the Cathedral!). I also did an unnecessary lap of the Palais de Justice at Number 15.

    As Jonas noted, Number 7 is off limits and so I missed it out, and I also had to go all round the west side of the Ramm home to get to Number 8, passing number 9 on the way. This all upset the clever Norwegian hiding in my iPhone - not only did he play a different ringtone at each control thereafter, as I now type he still thinks I'm running and looking for Number 7, even though he knows I found the Finish. And I don't know how to stop him!!

    One UsynligO tip - DON'T alter the default 15 metre radius of control point finding. Making it bigger makes the course too easy, and you get the "found it" ringtone before you get to the control. I took mine out to 25 metres and - I'll be honest - got Number 1 just by looking over the parapet at the side of the road at the top level. And I only had to go half way up the steps to Number 2... Indeed, using 10 metres is probably fairer if there's no tree cover.

    Ondra - many thanks for a pretty unique event!

  • david

    david 5 years ago

    One final point - a minor disappointment over the refreshment point marked on the map. I had expected a nice cafe with the prospect of an (overpriced - hey, it's the Grand Rue!) glass of cool, foaming Bofferding. Not so - what is mapped is actually a small work of art, which on a good day involves "eau non potable", and even this had been switched off! So, not "vaut le detour"!! (But I'm not complaining, really!)

  • michael

    michael 5 years ago

    I wanted to try the app today, but the race was not found anymore ?! (only #6).
    But I still learned a lot for a next real city race ;-)

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