Situation in neighboring countries
With the beginning deconfinement and borders opening, the neighboring countries publish plans for allowed club trainings. No official timed competitions are allowed in France, Belgium and Germany for the time being. The situation is described in the following documents:
- France (club trainings and semi-permanent or permanent circuits; document valid until June 2),
- Belgium (FRSO & VO; document valid until ~ June 8),
- Germany: only scattered information suggesting that competitions will be held again in July.
Beyond spring 2020?
In France all major competitions are cancelled until the end of summer. Championships that were supposed to be held during spring are reschedulled to 2021. When it comes to local competitions, there are no official news. OOcup organizers still hope to hold the 5 days in August.
In Belgium, a calendar speculates about competitions withou timing to be allowed from July 1st on, and regular competitions from August 1st on.
Summer 2020 (update 2020-06-17)
In Belgium as of July 1st the races are reopened for up to 200 competitors.
France is waiting for the written confirmation of races and trainings open to everybody. In France, the races are organized again, under these conditions. OOcup, one of the bigger events this summer, will be held in August (ipo July).
In Germany regional-level events are held again, the situation is different in each land.
ondra 5 years ago
As of today, no change in Belgium and no change to be expected in France until June 22nd. In Germany not all courses were cancelled yet, a relatively near-by race will be organized using MapRunF (