LuxNUL self service
The planned return of the Luxembourg Urban Night League (LuxNUL) was postponed due to the pandemic and the restrictions around organising public events. Now there is a possibility to try the next best thing, or LuxNUL as "self service". All you need to do is:
1. Download the UsynligO app to your mobile device
2. Print out one of the maps below (but try not to study it in detail before you start running).
3. Find your way to the railway station in Walferdange. The finish is just by the parking place north of the station (west of the track) and the start is just a few hundred meters away on the other side of the N7.
4. Start the app, select your course and start your run. Note that there are no physical control flags or or other markers anywhere, just the virtual beep, to confirm you've found your spot.
5. Enjoy!